Friday 2 December 2011

four years, no coffee

I haven't had coffee in almost four years... I know, what have I been thinking?! I quit right before we went on a trip to India, as I had my first ever migraine after I missed my morning latte one day. It was enough to make me nervous about the prospect of not being able to get coffee while we were travelling, so I quit. Not that I should have worried, since turns out there was coffee and chai and all manner of caffeinated beverages on every corner, but still.

Since the day I turned my back on coffee, I have instead become a lover of all things tea (make that an addict, actually). I drink it all day long. Black with lemon is my favourite (definitely no milk!), and green is a close second. I find that tea gives me the caffeine hit but in a gentle way - I don't get the same headaches and tension in the forehead that coffee used to give me. I do still love the smell of freshly ground coffee though... but now, I am completely a tea girl.

Anyway, what was my point? Oh yes... this photo, which for some reason makes me want to reconsider the lack of lovely, milky coffees in my life.

Happy weekend everyone.

Photo from honeypielivingetc.


  1. Yay no coffee - I can't believe it's been 4 years since India!

  2. I know...! Crazy how fast the time goes.
